open palm with syringe floating above

Transformoni buzëqeshjen tuaj me Ortopure

Ku buzëqeshjet shkëlqejnë!

Rated 5 stars by patients


A dental model displaying a set of teeth with orthodontic braces on both the upper and lower jaws. The model is positioned on a glossy white surface with a blurred background. Soft lighting highlights the dental features.
A dental model displaying a set of teeth with orthodontic braces on both the upper and lower jaws. The model is positioned on a glossy white surface with a blurred background. Soft lighting highlights the dental features.

Duke transformuar buzëqeshjet me përkushtim

Te Ortopure, ne krijojmë buzëqeshje të sigurta përmes zgjidhjeve ortodontike të personalizuara dhe teknologjisë së avancuar, duke siguruar një rrugetim të rehatshëm për çdo pacient që dëshiron të përmirësojë shëndetin e tij oral.

Ekipi ynë i ortodontëve të aftë kombinon teknologjinë më të avancuar me një qasje të personalizuar, duke siguruar një udhëtim të qetë dhe të rehatshëm drejt buzëqeshjes tuaj të ëndrrave. Nga telat tradicionalë deri te aligner-at e padukshëm, ne ofrojmë një gamë zgjedhjesh që përshtaten me stilin tuaj të jetesës, preferencat dhe buxhetin. Te Ortopure, ju nuk jeni thjesht pacient – ju jeni familje

Transformoni Buzëqeshjen Tuaj

Te Ortopure, ne besojmë në fuqinë e një buzëqeshjeje plot vetëbesim. Praktika jonë ortodontike është e përkushtuar të transformojë jetët përmes kujdesit të jashtëzakonshëm dhe trajtimeve më moderne. Qoftë për të përsosur buzëqeshjen tuaj apo për të përmirësuar shëndetin oral, Ortopure ofron zgjidhje të personalizuara për çdo pacient.

Braketa tradicionale

Zgjidhje klasike për drejtimin e dhëmbëve me rezultate të provuara dhe përfitime të qëndrueshme për të gjitha moshat.

A dental model displaying orthodontic braces on both the top and bottom sets of teeth. The model rests on a glossy white surface, and various colored brackets are visible on the braces. The background is blurred, suggesting a clinical setting.
A dental model displaying orthodontic braces on both the top and bottom sets of teeth. The model rests on a glossy white surface, and various colored brackets are visible on the braces. The background is blurred, suggesting a clinical setting.
Mbajtëse të Padukshme

Një opsion i fshehtë dhe i rehatshëm për drejtimin e dhëmbëve, i përshtatur me stilin tuaj të jetesës, duke ju ndihmuar të buzëqeshni me vetëbesim.

A realistic dental model displaying a full set of teeth fitted with orthodontic braces. The model is placed against a plain background, highlighting the intricate details of the braces and the gums.
A realistic dental model displaying a full set of teeth fitted with orthodontic braces. The model is placed against a plain background, highlighting the intricate details of the braces and the gums.

Ortopure transformoi buzëqeshjen time dhe rriti vetëbesimin tim! Ekipi është i mrekullueshëm dhe trajtimet janë shumë efektive. E rekomandoj ngrohtësisht qasjen e tyre të personalizuar!

Xhesika L.

A close-up view of a dental model showcasing upper and lower sets of teeth with a transparent aligner placed between them. The model rests on a dark surface that appears to be part of a keyboard.
A close-up view of a dental model showcasing upper and lower sets of teeth with a transparent aligner placed between them. The model rests on a dark surface that appears to be part of a keyboard.


Galeria e Buzëqeshjeve

Shihni transformimet tona dhe festoni buzëqeshjet plot besim me OrtoPure.

A dental model displaying a set of human teeth fitted with metal orthodontic braces. The teeth and gums are made from a synthetic material, mounted on a hinged frame, designed to simulate the human mouth.
A dental model displaying a set of human teeth fitted with metal orthodontic braces. The teeth and gums are made from a synthetic material, mounted on a hinged frame, designed to simulate the human mouth.
A framed artwork displays a stylized, colorful depiction of a smiling mouth with braces. The background is white, and the artwork features vibrant splashes of color, including reds, blues, greens, and yellows, forming an abstract representation. A glass reflection shows a street scene with buildings and streetlights.
A framed artwork displays a stylized, colorful depiction of a smiling mouth with braces. The background is white, and the artwork features vibrant splashes of color, including reds, blues, greens, and yellows, forming an abstract representation. A glass reflection shows a street scene with buildings and streetlights.
A dental model displaying a set of human teeth with braces. The model is placed on a flat surface, and there is an out-of-focus calendar in the background.
A dental model displaying a set of human teeth with braces. The model is placed on a flat surface, and there is an out-of-focus calendar in the background.
A gloved hand holds a black case with a blue interior, containing a clear dental aligner. The aligner is transparent and designed to fit over teeth, indicating orthodontic use.
A gloved hand holds a black case with a blue interior, containing a clear dental aligner. The aligner is transparent and designed to fit over teeth, indicating orthodontic use.
A store facade with a large sign reading 'CANDID' features a modern, bright design. The window display includes promotional text that states 'Beautiful teeth. Brilliantly simple.' There is a large image of a person holding a dental product. The interior seems uncluttered with chic and minimalist furniture visible through the glass.
A store facade with a large sign reading 'CANDID' features a modern, bright design. The window display includes promotional text that states 'Beautiful teeth. Brilliantly simple.' There is a large image of a person holding a dental product. The interior seems uncluttered with chic and minimalist furniture visible through the glass.
A gloved hand is holding a transparent dental aligner with a dental case in the background. The glove and case are both blue, and the aligner appears to be made of clear plastic.
A gloved hand is holding a transparent dental aligner with a dental case in the background. The glove and case are both blue, and the aligner appears to be made of clear plastic.